Gallery 2 + Lightbox
As promised, here’s an explanation of how I created the cool^H^H^H^Hcheesy effects in the new gallery. In case you haven’t seen, head over to the updates page, wait for it to finish loading, then click on one of the images.
Erev Shabbosism
Hopefully, this post will mark the return to (semi-)regular posting. This past erev shabbos, things were a little bit rushed. In exasperation, Chaya Tova asked, “How am I going to manage to wash the floor.” Luckily, Pessie was there to help. “You pour some water, put the shmateh on the stick, and swish it around!”
Gallery Improvements
Three major changes were made to the gallery this past week (details).
miss popularity
Pessie went to a four year holds birthday party yesterday. She was the only two year old there. She loved it. On Friday she is going to a three year old’s party. I just can’t keep up with this girls social calender…and she is just two! Rivky is going through a cold chulent faze. She […]
asleep in five!
Five minutes of crying and she fell asleep right away. What a wonderfull girl! We love her so much!