Earlier, we discussed three סוגיות dealing with מחוסר ××ž× ×”. In this post, we’ll discuss the הלכה למעשה, and try and explain all three sources according to both sides.
The first ×’×ž×¨× was from ×‘×‘× ×ž×¦×™×¢× on 48b, where ר’ ×—×™×™× ×‘×¨ יוסף was once payed for part of a large order of salt. Before he received the entire paying, the price went up. רבי ×™×•×—× ×Ÿ told him that he has to finish the sale (with the original buyer, at the original amount), and he cannot back out of the deal with the buyer and find a new buyer at the higher price. ר’ ×—×™×™× ×‘×¨ יוסף apparently thought that he would only be obligated to sell an amount of salt corresponding to the amount of money payed, and the rest is just דברי×. It is implied that if it was just דברי×, there would be nothing wrong with retracting.
The second ×’×ž×¨× was קידושין on 8b, where the sons of רב ×”×•× × ×‘×¨ ×בין wanted to buy a maidservant and left an item as a משכון. By the time they returned with the money, they maidservant was worth more, and the owner wanted to void the transaction and sell it to someone else for a higher price. רבי ×מי ruled that there is no מי שפרע, and the seller can retract, with no mention of מחוסר ××ž× ×”.
As a (more complicated) contrast, we have the ×’×ž×¨× in ×‘×‘× ×ž×¦×™×¢× on 49a. There, רב ×›×”× × received partial payment for some flax, which subsequently appreciate in value. רב ruled that he has to sell the amount corresponding to the original payment, but the rest is just “דבריה, and ×“×‘×¨×™× has no מחיסרי ××ž× ×”. The ×’×ž×¨× proves that this is רב’s opinion by bringing a בריית×.
ד×יתמר ×“×‘×¨×™× ×¨×‘ ×מר ×ין בהן ×ž×©×•× ×ž×—×™×¡×¨×™ ××ž× ×” ורבי ×™×•×—× ×Ÿ ×מר יש ×‘×”× ×ž×©×•× ×ž×—×™×¡×¨×™ ××ž× ×”
The bolded ד will be important later.
Here, we have no clarifications in the ×‘×¨×™×™×ª× whether or not the מחלוקת is in a case of חד תרע×, תרי תרעי, or both.
The טור writes in 204:
××£ על פי ×©×‘×“×‘×¨×™× ×‘×œ× ×ž×¢×•×ª ×ין צירך לקבל עליו מי שפרע מכל ×ž×§×•× ×¨×וי ל××“× ×œ×¢×ž×•×“ בדיבורו ××£ על פי ×©×œ× ×œ×§×— ×ž×”×“×™× ×›×œ×•× ×•×œ× ×¨×©× ×•×œ× × ×ª×Ÿ משכון וכל החוזר בו בין לוקח בין מוכר הרי ×–×” ממחוסרי ××ž× ×” ו×ין רוח ×—×›×ž×™× × ×•×—×” ×”×™×ž× ×•. וכתב בעל המ×ור ×”× ×™ מילי בחד ×ª×¨×¢× ×בל בתרי תרעי ×ין ×–×” ממכוסרי ××ž× ×”
The רמ”× writes, in 204:11:
××£ על פי ×©×‘×“×‘×¨×™× ×‘×œ× ×ž×¢×•×ª יכול להחזור בו והצ לקבל עליו מי שפרע מ”מ ר×וי ל××“× ×œ×¢×ž×•×“ בדיבורו ××¢”פ ×©×œ× ×¢×©×” ×©×•× ×§× ×™×™×Ÿ רק ×“×‘×¨×™× ×‘×¢×œ×ž× ×•×›×œ החוזר בו בין לוקח בין מוכר ×ין רוח ×—×›×ž×™× × ×•×—×” ×”×™×ž× ×• ×•×”× ×™ מילי בחד ×ª×¨×¢× ×בל בתרי תרעי ×ין ×–×” ממכוסרי ××ž× ×”
According to the טור, the הלכה of מחוסר ××ž× ×” applies in any case, regardless of any external market forces. According to the בעל המ×ור, and the רמ”×, this only applies if there was no price change. Where the price has changed, no stigma is attached to retracting (it appears that this is not the equivalent of a mistaken sale, where either party could retract, but rather an excuse that the disadvantaged party can use if he wishes to retract).
The first opinion in the טור (the בית יוסף lists an impressive list of ר××©×•× ×™× who agree; we’ll call this תוספות’s view here) seems to follow the בריית×. We have a מחלוקת (see later for why we believe they argue in this case) between רב and רבי ×™×•×—× ×Ÿ, and we פסקן like רבי ×™×•×—× ×Ÿ.
Regarding the first two cases, we can say that in the the first case, the implicit דיוק was only accord to רב. After all, we conclude that ר’ ×—×™×™× ×‘×¨ יוסף held like רב regarding how much of an obligation a partial payment creates, and perhaps he therefore held like רב regarding מחוסר ××ž× ×” as well. Even though the question was addressed to רבי ×™×•×—× ×Ÿ, the only proof we had was from an implicit דיוק based on the fact that ר’ ×—×™×™× ×‘×¨ יוסף personally wasn’t worried about מחוסר ××ž× ×”. As far as רבי ×™×•×—× ×Ÿ is concerned, the question never comes up, since he’d be obligated in a מי שפרע, which is much more serious!
The second ×’×ž×¨× deals with a question from the sons of רב ×”×•× × ×‘×¨ ×בין to רבי ×מי. Perhaps there, רבי ×מי rules according to רב.
The third ×’×ž×¨× seems to support the תוספות’s opinion, that there is מחוסר ××ž× ×” even by תרי תרעי.
According to the רמ”×’s opinion, the first two sources seem clear. The third needs a bit of explaining, however.
Perhaps we can say that the ×‘×¨×™×™×ª× being brought down doesn’t apply to תרי תרעי. After all, the only thing the ×‘×¨×™×™×ª× says is “דבריה, with no mention of a case. The only opinion quoted explicitly in the ×’×ž×¨× regarding תרי תרעי is רב, and we have no reason to assume that רבי ×™×•×—× ×Ÿ argued. Perhaps the only מחלוקת was in a case of חד תרע×, and the ×’×ž×¨× brought this down since if רב allows one to retract even in חד תרע×, then for sure he would have no objection to retracting in a case of תרי תרעי.
The only problem with this theory is the ד in ד×יתמר as highlighted above. The Rav suggested that if the ×’×ž×¨× just intended to bring the ×‘×¨×™×™×ª× for רב, it should say ×יתמר, implying that we have a source that’s relevant. From the ד×יתמר, it sounds like it’s a directly applicable proof, suggesting that the entire בריית×, include רבי ×™×•×—× ×Ÿ, is relevant to our case of תרי תרעי (supporting the תוספות’s opinion).