Hebrew Dates v1.0.3
Based on feedback from KosherJava (on the v1.0.2. release announcement), I’ve enhanced the currentHebrewDate() API in the Hebrew Dates plugin. It now accepts parameters to control how the date is printed.
Small Fix to HebrewDate plugin
I’ve released a small fix to the HebrewDate plugin. The new version is 1.0.2, and is available, at the regular place.
Window Customizer
I recently wrote an application to rename (and customize) arbitrary windows under WinXP. The result, a 30KB MFC application, morphed into WindowCustomizer, which also supports changing the transparency, icon, and TopMost status of any desktop window. Currently, only the EXE is available, as I want to release source under the GPL, but I’m not sure […]
Updated Serial Logger (LogSer)
As a followup to the initial LogSer post, I’m releasing this version. It supports selecting the baud rate (via -b <rate>) and the parity (-p <string>, where string is something like 8n1, 7e2, etc). Compilation remains the same as the original: Downloaded as either source code or a compiled EXE from the LogSer release page […]
Whois WordPress Plugin
Yes, yet another WordPress plugin! This one allows you to add additional “whois” servers to the listing shown in the comment display screen. It’s also quite useful (as in my case) if you have a web gateway to search through logs, which I use to help block spammers. The plugin comes with default entries to […]