Bezeq Speedtouch 510 & Dialing In
There’s a short guide to using Bezeq with an Alcatel Speedtouch 510 and PPPoA for automatic dialing up under general tips (or here) (P.S., this marks our getting internet at home)
New Tip
Ok… I know I haven’t posted very much lately in the tips department– there’s a new tip up now about converting a full matrix representation to a half representation. Read more for more, or just check it out!
New Tip: Commenting in Shell Scripts
There’s another new tip posted on using comments in awk scripts defined in .sh files. If you understood that, you may want to check it out.
Zany, Zener, and Zenith
Don’t ask. Just read.
Flicker when Filming in NTSC Under 50Hz Lighting
I recently shot about 60 minutes worth of footage on my (American- NTSC) miniDV digital camcorder. Footage looks great– except that everything shot under fluorescent lighting flickers! The reason is that all fluorescents flicker at the frequency they’re beign driven by. In America, it’s 60Hz, which, given a standard shutter speed of 1/125, meshes quite […]