Laser Microscope
When I came across Teravolt’s Laser Microscope, I decided that this was something I had to try. For his setup, he used a 250mW laser. While I don’t have anything near that dangerous cool, I do have a bunch of 5mW green lasers laying around. While the 5mW is incredibly bright in a dark room, […]
New Hebrew Dates (2.0) released!
When it rains, it pours… I just rewrote most of HebrewDates. The new version is 2.0.0, and is available at the Hebrew Dates release page. There’s basically no reason to use yesterday’s 1.0.4 release. New features: Complete rewrite of the date identification; much more reliable Code actually looks slightly sane now. I’m no longer embarrassed […]
HebrewDates fix for WordPress 3.0 (2010 theme)
There’s a fix out for Hebrew Dates, which correctly supports the 2010 theme used by default in WordPress 3.0. Now dates generated by either the_date() or get_the_date() are supported. The new version is 1.0.4, and is available at the Hebrew Dates release page.
Working Portable Ubuntu with Jaunty (9.04)
I recently discovered (courtesy of Ubuntu Geek Portable Ubuntu, a Portable Windows application which uses Cooperative Linux [version 0.7.3] to run a Linux kernel as a Windows process! I was very pleased, but found a few small glitches in the installation and upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 LTS to the latest Jaunty 9.04 release which I’ll […]
SerCat released
I’ve released a replacement for both LogSer and ToSer called SerCat. It supports both stdin and stdout, and provides very basic terminal emulation (no arrow keys or functions keys yet).