Tag: Site Updates

  • Updates

    I haven’t been posting lately; I have a post on מתנה לעני which is almost ready, but not quite. I’m still not clear enough on this week’s קצות to even think of writing anything…

  • Site Moving

    Please note that this site is moving to a new server. As soon as I find out that the migration is complete, I’ll be disabling access to the old server, to prevent comments and other things from being posted to the old site. In case the DNS transfer takes a while, you’ll be able to […]

  • Updates

    Yes, I’ve been away for a while. I didn’t post while I was in Greece (pictures finally posted), nor the week after, due to a very pressured week at work. I have a new post responding to a Mishpacha editorial coming up soon, and I hope to resume technical posts this week. I was going […]

  • Site Moved (Again)

    We’ve moved servers again! The DNS propogation is not yet complete, so if you get weird errors, try accessing instead of http://mikeage.net/. I think, however, that I have the proper .htaccess file to handle all of those automatically, though. I’m still with site5.com, and I’m going to be posting a review of their service […]

  • New Section: C Stuff

    I’ve been collecting nifty tricks and useful factoids about C, and I think I’ll start posting them here. Look for the first post sometime on Tuesday, with 3-4 posts weekly after that!