SerCat released
I’ve released a replacement for both LogSer and ToSer called SerCat. It supports both stdin and stdout, and provides very basic terminal emulation (no arrow keys or functions keys yet).
PingTunnel Improvements: Win32 & Syslog
For anyone interested in clever networking hacks, I strongly advise checking out ptunnel. This software package allows you to tunnel any TCP (such as SSH) over a ICMP (i.e., ping). Since even the most restrictive firewalls (whether corporate, Wifi (don’t steal…) or other) usually let ICMP traffic through, this little piece of code can let […]
Identifying Big Endian or Little Endian Progmatically
Most (99%+) of microprocessors available to the consumer and/or embedded market are either Big Endian or Little Endian; this almost never actually matters. However, sometimes one needs to write endian specific code. Here’s how to have code identify if it’s running on a big endian or little endian machine:
Duff’s Device
No C programmer can call himself (or herself) a real programmer without having seen (and been amazed by) Duff’s Device. It was invented as a more efficient alternative to regular loop unrolling used in copying bytes from memory to a register (each byte went to the same address in memory), by handling the case when […]
Dividing Integers (& Casting Precedance)
Quiz: What does the following code print: int i,j; float k; i = 5; j = 2; k = i/j; printf(“%f\n”,k);