Tag: Aliyah

  • Shul Update

    Since we arrived in Ramat Beit Shemesh, we’ve been looking for a kehilla to join. The problem (it’s not really a problem, just a difference), is that most shuls here are really just minyanim– I need a place to daven, so I go here, but it’s got nothing to do with any sense of community. […]

  • Aliyah / Klita Status

    Just an update– we’re still waiting for our apartment to be ready, still waiting for Misrad Hapnim to open so we can get our Teudei Zehut, and still waiting for Misrad Haklita to open so we can get our vouchers for Ulpan.

  • Picture Update

    Updates are present in the Picture Gallery for Pessie for some 5th Month (look at pages 5-7) and some 6th Month pictures. These are actually from a couple of days ago, more will be coming soon (since we don’t have a phone line, it’s kinda hard to post pics). Apartment pictures are also forthcoming.