I almost never pass on requests for Tehillim, but this is a case that I suspect really needs some assistance. A newly arrived (mid June) woman in Ramat Bet Shemesh just gave birth to her first baby. Baruch Hashem, the baby was born healthy, but there were some complications during the birth, and the mother is now in a coma in bikkur cholim hospital. We just had her and her husband over for a meal about a month ago, and they’re truly wonderful people who’re just settling down in life (he’s 30, she’s 27). Please daven for Sarah Leah bat Frummit.
I hope to, be’ezras Hashem, be posting good news soon!
3 responses to “Tehillim Request”
Thanks, Mike. I will add her name to my list.
Tehillim Followup…
Unfortuntely, Sarah Leah's daughter, Daniella Gittel (bas Sarah Leah), is also in need of tehillim.
Tehillim Followup #2…
Two name changes:
Chaya Sara Leah bas Frummis
Gittel bas Chaya Sara Leah